
A woman

admired for..




and nobility.

Mission Statement:

To provide photography services for women in recovery through sessions that are purchased by you, the general public. The goal is to help make a positive impact on the mental health crisis revolving around substance abuse, those who struggle with low self esteem, and mothers wanting to reconnect with their children. Thanks for your support.

*Won Best Business Pitch in Reboot Program offered through Dimension Mill, Bloomington IN. April 1st 2021

“Getting my photos done and stepping out of my comfort zone provided growth for my recovery.”




“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” -Maya Angelou


“I’ve learned as time passes, all the things that you’re afraid of will come and they will go, and you’ll be alright.”

-Stevie Nicks

One Day At A Time



“I feel honored to be a part of Heroine Studios mission to embrace women in recovery, to feel free in my skin without bias and unconditional love.” In peace, not pieces. -Iyanla Vanzant


-Gracie and Morgan

“To be yourself is truly a revolutionary act, and we think more and more people should try it, because its gotten us a pretty cool life.” -Lena Waithe


“Heroine Studios did a wonderful job at making me feel beautiful and comfortable. My session brought a lot of confidence out of me.”

Photographer: Mike Waddell




“It’s truly life changing to realize I did not need to use any substances to enjoy my 21st Birthday on the day that this photo was taken. It really is an amazing feeling.”


“Thank you great big world, thank you for everything. Life’s beautiful today, I’m connected, I am loved, and I am present.”
